How to Draw And Use the Rice Bag in Figure Drawing 「コメ袋」を人物画にどう利用するか

I have done a couple of articles in the past regarding our old friend "The Rice Bag" (or Flour Sack) to aid us in figure drawing.

古き良き友「コメ袋」君(またはFlour Sack)が、人物画にどう役立つかについて、これまでにも記事をいくつかを書きました。

I suggested the rice bag because it is a common tool for laying in a volume for the torso.  Or as a tool for laying in forms that can convey expression in an animated way.  Also it is helpful when people don't know "where to start" when drawing.  


But then I heard some people are having problems regarding where to start when drawing the rice bag! 


Here are my suggestions:  

Even though the rice bag can be a very appealing and even "cute" kind of tool, please don't forget that it is just a tool for showing the relationship between the ribcage and the hips.  


If you are not sure where or how to start when drawing the rice bag,  note the rhythm in the relationship between the back and the front.   (Note I placed lines  to emphasize the fact our rice bag friend is a 3-dimensional form) 

「コメ袋」を描くときに、どこから、どのように始めればよいか迷ったら、背中側と腹側の関係に注目し、リズムを見つけましょう。 (私たちの友だち「コメ袋」君は立体であるという事実を強調するために、ラインを引いています)


If you are drawing the rice bag as a tool for animation or animated style characters, by all means allow yourself of "squash and stretch" the volumes to emphasize what is being expressed.


However if you are aiming to draw something a little more realistic, please be careful to keep your hard forms solid and save the squashing and stretching to the soft areas, the waist. 



When you attach the limbs to the rice bag, whether it is a very cartoony character, or a "realistic" kind of character, don't lose the sense of rhythm.  


Maybe my last and most important suggestion:  when drawing the rice bag----ALWAYS bear in mind, "What is the gesture"?  What is the figure doing?  What is being expressed?  If you do this, I am very confident you will be more successful in drawing your figures!  

最後、そして最も重要なヒント:「コメ袋」君を描くときには、次のことを考えます。「ジェスチャーはどうなっている? その人物は何をしている? 何を表現している?」そうすれば、さらによい人物画を描けるようになることは、間違いありません!

Below are some examples of how the rice bag has been used in drawing, illustration and animation. 

Glen Keane

Fred Moore

Mike Mignola 

Norman Rockwell

Milt Kahl

John Loundsbury 


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