How to get LIFE into your Drawing by using Rhythm and Force - リズムとフォースでドローイングに生命を吹き込む

Art by Bruce Timm

Force.  Rhythm. Energy.  These are very abstract terms.  However they cannot be ignored because they influence all aspects of life.  Animators understand this as should all artists.   Ultimately all art is a form of animation.


How does this apply to drawing?


Designer, animator and amazing art instructor, Michael Mattesi literally defines his approach as FORCE drawing.


Essentially what we are looking for are relationships, transitions and above all change. Transitions that will lead the viewers eye from one point to another point.


I have covered this point before in previous blogs, especially when drawing the female form and where rhythms in the body are quite obvious.

この点は、以前のブログ<>で取り上げました。特に「女性を女性らしく描く Part 1

This tool when understood is quite powerful and can be applied to not just making your gesture drawings more dynamic but also your renderings and compositions.


Let's start with line.  

Step 1.  Analyse the action!
ステップ1. アクションを分析する!

Look for transitions.  Look for rhythms , flows that make the eye move!

Note this graphic from Warner Bros. animation designer, Shane Glines.  Though a very graphic design, the rhythms pushing through the body are very clear.  Even without the guidelines feel how your eyes naturally want to move over the body from one point to the other.


Step 2.  Choice of Line in Rhythm

What kind of experience do you see in the action??

Are we making relationships with lines that are curved and slow or lines that are sharp and fast?

Note this illustration from illustration pioneer Charles Dana Gibson.  His use of surface lines though straight and hard do lead the eye sharply over the forms, implying speed in the long smooth surfaces.



However in the example of Frank Frazetta's illustration, he uses dynamic but slightly slower curved lines implying flesh and also note the relationships that guide your eye on the monsters muscular back into his flailing arm. 


I also took the liberty of reproducing Frazetta's composition to show how rhythm and force can be used as composition tools.


I learned the subtle but powerful lesson point from Michael Matessi at his FORCE workshop in Japan this past week.   Note the "S" curve of the girl which leads into the hero's body and punch.  Mike pointed out that even the sweeping of the girl's hair was used to lead the eye into the hero.  Awesome composition design!  


I hope these notes inspire you. We are just scratching the surface on how force and rhythm can be used as tools to make your drawings more dynamic.  More to come here at the Ki Creative Studio Drawing workshop next moth Feb. 25th

この記事が皆さんの役に立ちますように。フォースとリズムがダイナミックなドローイングを可能にするツールであることをざっくりと説明しました。2月25日に開催される「Ki Creative Studio」ドローイングワークショップで、もう少し掘り下げる予定です。

In the meantime this is my Recommended Reading List for more perspective!


FORCE : Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators by Michael Mattesi

日本語版:リズムとフォース : 躍動感あるドローイングの描き方 マイケル・マテジ著

The Practice and Science of Drawing by Harold Speed (Chapter 10:  Rhythm)

Glenn Vilppu's Drawing Manual by Glenn Vilppu 

日本語版:グレン・ビルプのドローイングマニュアル グレン・ビルプ著


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