Disney Veteran Ron Husband is Coming to Tokyo!
"The animator must be a keen observer of action and must understand and remember it, for he never knows when we will find in it the inspiration for the entertainment he puts on screen." - Eric Larson "The first and most important things for an animator to know is how to draw." -Walt Disney This June, Disney veteran animator Ron Husband , (otherwise known as "Huz" to those close to him) will be coming to Tokyo, touring and giving a series of seminars on quick sketching, and traditional hand drawn animation. Ron Husband was part of the first generation of animation artists to be passed down the torch of animation by Disney's greatest animation directors, sometimes known as Disney's Nine Old Men. Ron learned from some of Disney's best, such as Eric Larson and assisted legendary animator, Frank Thomas. Ron started with Disney in its training program in 1975 as many of the artists who established modern American animation as we know it...